Effective Ways to Reduce Conflict While You Stay at Home with Your Loved Ones: Part Two

Veronica Monet
5 min readJul 17, 2020

Around the globe, as COVID cases and deaths spike, many communities that were re-opening, are now re-closing. For many of us, that means yet MORE time sheltering at home with loved ones.

How about you?

Are you at home with your partner? Your children? Other family members? Maybe a close friend or two?

How is that going?

If you are experiencing some tension in your connections, you aren’t alone. The added emotional, logistical and economic stress of the pandemic is taking a toll on just about everyone. Not only that, spending more time together can surface conflicts that might have otherwise stayed buried.

It can feel safer to say nothing when you feel hurt or angry. After all, things might spin out of control and erupt into a big argument or lead to the silent treatment from the very person you rely upon for emotional support. Most of us know how painful both of those scenarios are, and we do our best to avoid them. But simply keeping your mouth shut and doing your best to hide your true feelings can actually increase tension in your body and in the home.

The good news, though, is that there are ways to speak your truth AND reduce tension, avoid conflict and enjoy each…



Veronica Monet

Author, Creative Consultant for award winning documentary, IFS Informed Coach, Certified Sexologist. I write about s-e-x, shame, relationships, trauma, healing.