Effective Ways to Reduce Conflict While You Stay at Home with Your Loved Ones: Part One

Veronica Monet
9 min readApr 27, 2020

How are you feeling about being home? Are you with your partner? If you have children, are they there too?

As I am sure you know, Shelter in Place and Stay at Home orders have impacted most of us. But I wonder if you are aware of how much energy you are expending trying to adapt to new routines and habits?

It can feel overwhelming, because it is. And that emotional overwhelm can stress your connections to others, particularly when those connections are 24/7!

Togetherness can be a wonderful thing. But if there were unresolved issues in your relationships beforehand, they will surely come to the surface now that you are in the same physical space for extended periods of time. Of course, even without underlying issues, the added stress can cause problems that might not have existed before.

Is that happening for you?

Are you feeling more irritable than usual? Having more arguments than is typical? Or have you retreated from interactions with others because they feel too complicated? Are you hiding behind your laptop or smart phone?

If your answer to any of those questions was “yes,” you are not alone!



Veronica Monet

Author, Creative Consultant for award winning documentary, IFS Informed Coach, Certified Sexologist. I write about s-e-x, shame, relationships, trauma, healing.